Sunday 5 February 2012

Alteration in Bowel Elimination: Diarrhea

Alteration in Bowel Elimination: Diarrhea
(_)Actual (_) Potential
Related To:
[Check those that apply]
(_) Inflammation of bowels
(_) Colon mucosa ulceration
(_) Fecal impaction
(_) Gastric bypass
(_) Infant - breast fed
(_) Decreased sphincter reflexes
(_) Allergies
(_) Medications_______________________
(_) Stress/anxiety
(_) Tube feedings
(_) Decreased tolerance to dietary program:
(_) Other:_____________________________

As evidenced by:
[Check those that apply]
Must be present)
(_) Loose liquid stools and/or:
(_) Frequency
May be present)
(_) Urgency
(_) Cramping/abdominal pain
(_) Hyperactive bowel sounds
(_) Increase of fluidity or volume of stools

Assess ment Plan and Outcome
[Check those that apply]
Nursing Interventions
[Check those that apply]
The patient will:(_) Have stool/elimination pattern that closer resembles that of patient's normal stool/pattern.
(_) Patient and/or significant other will verbalize methods for preventing and/or treating diarrhea.
(_) Other:
(_) Assess abdomen for distention, bowel sounds, pain q___ hours.(_) Identify factors that contribute to diarrhea:________________

(_) Record color, odor, amount and frequency of stool.
(_) Instruct patient in:
  • diet
  • medication usage
  • S/S of diarrhea to watch for requiring medical attention
  • discontinuing solids
  • offer clear liquids.
(_) Other:________________

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